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December 10, 2006



Thank you, gentle ainelivia. Thank you.


This is so moving and wonderful. I imagine you taking your finger and tracing back through all the lives of family that leads to yours. So happy for you Tamarika, and looking forward to hearing more!


How lovely. Your heartfelt (and somehow I think the ripples are wider because they were heartfelt) words out there rippling in cyberspace and picked up all these months later. Thinking of you on your voyage out to touch these swaying branches of your extended family, Tamar.


Winston, I see you are completely entwittered! You really *must* go out more : )

Yes, Ampersand, this is truly becoming so much fun. Lots of little pieces coming together. Thank you.


This is astounding, how it all has started coming together. I am so happy for you. And this explains your absence from twitter for a large part of today. Not that you needed an excuse from your great grandmother...

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