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December 28, 2006



Happy New Year, ainelivia. Thanks for stopping by.


Thank you so much for the link to the Dawkins-Lynchburg reading. The question and answer session was very interesting and I learned a lot. Laughed when he spoke on Catholicism and the Trinity, I've always had trouble with that.

Richard Dawkins confirms for me some doubts and questions I've had since I was a teenager. He is also highlighting an issue that is really very important, the right of all of us to what we believe, and that it is moral not to impose any belief on others.


Thank you for sharing your "Episcopalianism" here, and passion for freedom.

I appreciate the links to your posts. Thank you.


Well, I'll go against the grain here to say that I'm not an atheist or agnostic BUT this doesn't make me wary of Dawkins, Harris, et. al., - I enjoy reading other folks' take on the big G(_d) and can see where they're coming from. Especially in light of a world rampant with fundamentalism of every stripe. Yikes! And I will fight to the death for the right of everyone to believe (or not believe) whatever the heck they want. Oh, my Episcopalianism is showing, I fear. ;-)


Yes, Tamar, I do think about this stuff too. I think about it all the time and I love learning about what others think.

My dear son is an atheist and he keeps thinking that I will be (or maybe should be) upset with him. But I most certainly am not. I admire anyone who is truthful with themselves and others in matters concerning God (or lack thereof).

I just posted this -- -- on my blog, describing my views on God as they are today.

I also posted this -- -- a while back, on the possibility that there is no God.

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