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December 30, 2006



Ronni, Happy New Year!

Have been thinking and wondering about you. So good to hear from you.Happy New Year.

Richard Lawrence Cohen

Thank you for the deep and important list of questions, which, like most people, I'd do well to confront. Happy New Year, Tamarika!

Ronni Bennett

Happy New Year, Tamar, and my biggest, best wishes for a fruitful 2007 for you.


Thanks so much for the good wishes, Joy.

Well, Winston, we've all made it to the other side of midnight. Woo hoo!

Perhaps this is the year we get to meet in person eh? I enjoy reading your life sharings too, so much.

Happy New Year, Always Question!

Danny, thanks for the good wishes. No, it doesn't look like I will be giving up the blog any time soon. It has become an integral part of my life now.

It has taken me a lot of years of life and therapy to get to this point and I still have quite a way to go! I think what might have "accelerated" some of my revelations was this move to Philadelphia which threw me into being very much alone with myself - no work, no friends - just face-to-face with me. Phew! Exhausting. Smiles.


And to you too Tamar! All the very best of health, happiness, love and peace in the New Year dear friend...

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