Some of you might remember my moaning and complaining about being an ethnic minority during Rosh Hashanah this past September.
Well, yesterday early evening as the sun was just starting to set, and I was just about to light the first night Hanukkah candles, all of a sudden, out of the blue in walked Tom. Surprise! He hardly ever is able to get off work early and yet there he was. In one hand he had a freshly baked cake from Bredenbecks, chocolate chip and one they were making specially for Hanukkah. In the other a gift. A DVD! OOh, one of my favorite movies that I yearn to see again and again: Pride and Prejudice. Quelle surprise! In my excitement and enthusiasm at having been remembered so kindly and fondly I ran to the CD player and put on Emmy Lou loudly, singing, "Christmas Time's a-Coming," and lit all the candles in the room, including the Hanukkah ones.
In my joy and excitement, I even lit some nag champa, and with tea and cake in hand settled in to watch my new movie.
Well done, Tom! You made my day!
LF - am so pleased to meet you and enjoyed discovering your blog. Thanks so much for your comment.
What a happening over at "Citizen of the Month," eh?
A *REAL* celebration! And I got to meet new blogger buddies, and all.
Posted by: tamarika | December 20, 2006 at 08:19 AM
I just loved the candle in the poinsetta, and I loved Pride and Prejudice.
Am going to check out the Rosh Hashana piece.
Happy Chanucha, sh'koyach! (a reference to having strength, a good thing)
Posted by: TherapyDocLindaFreedman | December 20, 2006 at 07:40 AM
Thanks, Patry!
Posted by: tamarika | December 19, 2006 at 08:02 AM
The lights just keep getting brighter and brighter! Happy Hannukah!
Posted by: patry | December 18, 2006 at 03:58 PM