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January 13, 2007



Hello again, Adriana. Yeah, Neil's site is great. Am glad you are enjoying it too.

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words! Much appreciated.


I havent read all the other comments above but honestly when I came to your site my first thoughts were about how gentle and beautiful you look.

And I dont understand why people are needlessly rude - forget it, not worth any more of your time or thought.

Adriana Bliss

Oh Tamar! What a painful moment for you! I can totally imagine that sudden shock...that sting in your eyes, but as everyone else has said, the deletion and BAN had nothing to do with YOU. As a note, I often feel that pang of passage that you describe. Even though I'm not 50, I do feel as if my sexiness has passed, that the days of flirtation are gone. Too many kids, too much comfort food, too much gray hair that frizzes rather than curls...[sigh].

BTW, I do love Neil's site!


It is good to meet friends of Neil on my blog!

Thanks for all your kind and supportive remarks!

Non-Highlighted Heather,
I just love how you say: "I want to be comfortable in my own skin; my glorious gravity succumbing skin."

Am glad if my blog in general encourages your feeling good about yourself in the ageing department!


Hi Tamarika, Just stubbled onto your site through Neil's blog.

I think it's fabulous that you participated in the auction!! Even though I don't personally know you you strike me as a free spirit who welcomes fun & adventure in your life. I love that you e-mailed "SomeGuyInDC". Who says older woman can't be fun & flirtatious.

As I've aged, I continue to feel young inside despite the changes my body goes through. I'm sure many people feel as I do. The minute I feel my spirit growing old is when I'll need to worry. So please continue to let your beautiful young spirit come out and play.

By the way, I lived in DC for a few years and believe me there are way too many stuffy, conservative men out there. "SomeGuyInDC" needs to get a sense of humor and lighten up a bit. ;)

Congratulations on your win! I'm sure you're going to have a fabulous time with him & Sophia!

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