Quote of the day:
I write and perform and I love my friends all over the world. I work to stop violence against women. I work to prevent and stop war. I sometimes have anxiety. I have bouts of terrible low self-esteem. I feel lonely on occasion, but mainly I feel alive, free. I feel myself. Eve Ensler
(I just can't wait to read Insecure at Last: Losing it in our Security-Obsessed World after hearing Eve this morning on Good Morning America - have you ordered your copy yet?)
I am just too busy altogether. No time to breathe. Although I did quite a bit of that in my yoga routine today.
Yes indeed I always have time for my yoga routine. Keeping the body flexible helps my mind open and pliable I was looking out my window today and realized that since Buffalo, for me a real winter means feet of snow. This kind of piddling dusting we're having around here is a joke. And yet the birds are eating with a frenzy at the feeder. Philadelphia city birds think this is winter? Pah! Poor deluded souls.
Yes indeed we talk about the weather when there is either nothing, or way too much to talk about.
Hello Tamar! Shabbat Shalom from tamarika! Oh, and speaking of the weather? It is freezing here!
Posted by: tamarika | January 26, 2007 at 01:05 PM
agree that weather discussions are a crashing bore... unless i need to know what to pack when traveling 45 minutes from the country of tel aviv to the other country of jerusalem. different cultures, different weather. shabbat shalom to all in all climes!
Posted by: tamar | January 24, 2007 at 11:56 PM