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January 26, 2007



Good to know we were in this together! I wonder what you replaced it with? I mean, a nice hot bath just doesn't seem to have the same quality of comfort feel to it, for me!


Tamar, I'm late to the party but how fascinating your 5 memoirs are. And that picture of little you as ballerina is irresistible - wow, what a stunner! I am also intrigued with the thumb-sucking story because it's my story too -except it wasn't the thumb but the index finger of my right hand. I sucked it until I was about 10, maybe 11, and the skin of the knuckle became all wrinkled. I think the funny shape of my front teeth is probably the result of that early fetish. I've never heard of anyone else who was a late finger-sucker, thanks for this reassurance! Never mind what Freud would make of it.


Rhea, that reminds me. I used to sing Christmas Carols in our school choir in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia).


Here is one weird thing about me. I played Mrs. Santa Claus in the school play when I was in elementary school. And I'm Jewish!


I am so pleased some of you liked my poetry! It was the poetry of a very young woman. And when I read it from time to time I am amazed how it captured the feelings of the experience.

I would *love* to have a "cozy drink" and/or Proustian exploration with my "fan." What an invitation! Smiles.

Well, Danny, I guess you are still learning stuff about me, eh? I could have written an epic novel about Louis-the-Priest but then along came "The Thornbirds," and I just had to live vicariously through it. My mother was extremely tolerant about the whole affair. She came to Israel to meet him and brought along Tom Lehrer's "Vatican Rag,"
... AND played it to him!!

Yeah, Jean, I really get into acting out with old David-the-Duck and children love it. That afro was probably the beginning of the period of starting to just allow my hair to be what it is - wild and frizzy. Up until then I had always tried to straighten and "tame" it! And, by the way, I gather strength and inspiration from your personal sharings, Jean. The deeper and deeper we go the more authentic we all become!

Ah, Joyce, I see you have a tale to tell as well, eh?

girlanddog, I still adore dancing - all kinds and will dance the night away whenever given the chance. To this day I remember, clearly, my lessons about posture and the art of "performing" from those intensive dancing days.

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