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January 06, 2007



I am always grateful for your sharing the processes you are also experiencing. Yes, we *are all* worth it. It is our birthright! Keep on keeping on: keep the channels open!


This is an "aha" moment for me too. This very weekend am experiencing a similar interaction with a friend. Been going through the fear and anxiety that surrounds the feeling I have of being torn in two directions. The one that says, "give in, it will be easier"; however I know I will be filled with resentment if I take that route; and the other that says, "I know I have a choice here, and I really want to choose what is best for me, not the one to please or be accomodating, the choice for me".

As you say Tamaraike, there is possibly no cure, (if I find one I'll post it!); there is nothing crazy, weird or irrational, about what you have written here. I know this. these feelings also, and am learning that the best way is to "practice", being myself and not what I feel is "pleasing".

And regrets, that my process is taking so long, (you and I are about the same age), I could wallpaper Buckingham Palace with my regretful feelings about the "long time" taken.

Getting there, and yes, I am so worth it, and you too. XX

Thank you for this post.


It is interesting to me to think of it as "a practice." Indeed, there is intentionality when I try to "work on" changing. And yet, so much of it is a process that goes back and forth, often unconsciously and sometimes with "aha!" moments. It almost feels like it happens by itself, although I know that cannot be the case. Because I believe in "choosing" to think and feel differently. While at the same time I know there is nature at play too, for which there is no choice. Complexity. Delicious!

I am glad that my post resonates with things you have gone through or experienced. Thanks for your kind words.


I know I am at risk of being a blatant flatterer in my comments here on your blog, but really, I can't figure out which to appreciate more, your writing or its content.

I have walked this same journey to adulthood, it is hard and wonderfully freeing.


The reason I find this so intriguing is that I feel kind of on the verge myself of being able to make such choices. You express it well, and I find myself looking forward to further practice in this direction for myself. I do see it as a kind of "practice." Thank you for your truly coherent explanation.

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