Well what can I say? I seem to have wasted the whole day. I mean I did the laundry, prepared a great meal for dinner tonight and even submitted a proposal for a conference in the fall. I managed to workout on the treadmill, lift weights, and complete twenty minutes of yoga exercises. I even read a few chapters of Nora Ephron's, I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman, and laughed out loud, I mean really loudly. Did I mention filling the bird feeder for all those confused birds out there? They don't seem to know whether it is winter or spring. They were gathered around the feeder in their tens, even through the pouring rain. And so, it seems like I achieved quite a bit today but not really. You see, I should have been writing my chapter. I was so sure I would begin it today. Indeed, I completed all those course preparations last week in order that I would be ready, willing and able this morning to jump into the chapter. I know what I want to write. The words are on the tip of my tongue, making my typing fingers quiver with glee. I even slept in this morning, something I hardly ever do. Usually I am awake and up by 5:30 or so. This morning I slept until 7:00. So many other things suddenly become urgent today. Like cleaning all the mirrors in the house. Or sorting through old cards and letters and putting them neatly in a brand new shoe box. Oh yes, I forgot to add that I discovered, by chance, while skipping through television channels this afternoon, Heavenly Creatures. A movie I had been meaning to see. I simply had to sit down there and then and watch the whole thing, getting up only once for a bathroom break and to make a cup of tea. And then I gave Ada a jolly good brushing.
Evening falls and I look forlornly out the window at the darkening sky. It seems like I wasted another whole day.
A year ago at Tamarika: ... Come on, get happy ...
And now Shimon has started us a new Scrabble Game: Super Scrabble with 200 tiles! What a fantastically efficient distraction for chapter writers and Scrabble junkies!
Well, Jean, I love those "cliches" because it helps me not feel so bad about not getting to it. And so true, so true, it's a great way to get other stuff done! I will keep you posted about said chapter.
That's key isn't it? That there will always be another day? Yes indeed. That's why I adore the dawn and love waking up early to greet the new day - just love it!
Posted by: tamarika | January 09, 2007 at 01:46 PM
I've often felt the same way Tamar. Especially when I've sat down in front of the computer to check out blogs, or write, or something....suddenly half my day is gone. I could be doing so MANY things around the house...organizing things, etc. It doesn't take much to distract me from doing those things. Your day didn't sound so wasted to me; but I know what you mean when you don't get to something you've mentally planned to do. I guess we count on there always being another day.
Posted by: Joy | January 09, 2007 at 11:47 AM
Isn't it a wonderful way of getting other stuff done, though? And being able to see the pattern is half the battle. Labour pains, sitting on your eggs, all the cliches - cliches because they're true.
Waiting to hear that you've started the chapter, and knowing you will
Posted by: Jean | January 09, 2007 at 08:40 AM
Kate Winslet *is* a wonder in that movie. Phenomenal!
joared, thanks for your encouragement : ) And now I will try not to get distracted by commenting ... (just kidding!)
Posted by: tamarika | January 09, 2007 at 07:20 AM
Isn't it amazing how and even why we don't do certain things we're all set to do. I've been having that problem a lot. It's as though I know in my mind the next step, so can get right into it whenever. Meanwhile, there are all these other activities that somehow seem to occupy my interest -- just 'til I get back to that other matter I was going to do. Oh, lordy, help me! ;-)
Posted by: joared | January 09, 2007 at 05:16 AM