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February 21, 2007



I love that last quote!


Am so pleased you are more comfortable at hearing praise from me and finally accepting *my* gratitude for you!

Am trying to go it alone for my next book and, gee ... it is so hard to find the confidence to get over the shaming I endured from people who meant so much to me.

For example, when you used the term "ground breaking" in your comment about my book, it brought tears of gratitude to my eyes.

"Healing the Shame that Binds" [ ] me is the hardest part for me lately.

Thank you, Danny.


Thanks, Tamar, and just for the record, I do NOT hate when you say things like that, I am actually quite grateful and honored whenever you very graciously acknowledge my role in getting your ground-breaking book published. True, being the Jewish neurotic that I am, I may be more "comfortable" hearing criticism than praise, but know that deep down I really LOVE it!

By the way, I laughed at the comment about not expecting to be invited to future family gatherings, but it's not true, thank God. My family members have smoothed out their ruffled feathers and I've learned an important lesson that being the self-described "family archivist" doesn't trump sensitivity to the feelings of others.

I know some of your family members DO appreciate your incredible writing gifts, I'm just sorry that this appreciation doesn't go across the board.

Ronni Bennett

Heh, heh, heh. That last quote is sooooooooo Jewish...

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