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February 26, 2007



Yeah, Danny - and I even bought a ring there! Thanks for reminding me about that.


I wish I could hear your keynote presentation. Maybe you'll publish part of it on your blog? I remember how Charlie helped your book happen even after his death—how he influenced your decision to fly to that conference I was attending to get the ball rolling. How great that you are so aware and appreciative of the role of mentors in your life.


This was a lovely tribute to special people who have touched your life, causing me to think once again of those who have been of significance in mine.


What a great post. This and the poem that I found by following the Charlie link was just what I needed to read today. Thank you, Tamar.


It made me smile to read your feeling about looking into a mirror. I know that when I write to you I feel like I'm writing to me - just because we have the same name! And I know that confuses a number of my readers too : ) Who is Tamar and Tamar(ika)?

And, to boot, we seem to have had similar life experiences although, of course, as similar as life experiences are, they are also always so completely unique!


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