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« Harsh and exciting (Update) | Main | Invisible »

February 16, 2007


Richard Lawrence Cohen

Thanks, Tamarika. I wish I had the exact quote -- it's online somewhere, of course, no doubt on a quotations website, and in the book "Fitzgerald on Writing," and it's beautifully phrased -- but time presses onward...


Joy and girlanddog,
It is a great list, isn't it? I love the idea of getting rid of "energy vampires" and that "the best is yet to come."

Your bit about Fitzgerald is so fabulous, I have to put it in as an Update to the post. Too good to be missed in the comments. Thank the Heavens for you. Always.


I'm at a crossroads in my life right now, and your post was food for thought. It reminded me to slow down and appreciate what I have now, and to not stress about tomorrow. Thanks!

Richard Lawrence Cohen

I'm way ahead on #9. Seriously, Tamar, it's a good list and if it pushes me a little step furhter forward, I'm grateful.

I, too, feel that I repeat the same themes over and over in my writing and I would like to expand my range, but not in a way that's false to who I am. And perhaps the one little thinking that makes us valuable to the world. Fitzgerald said that each of us has one or two big things happen to us in our lives and we write about those things over and over and that's what gives us our identities as artists.


Tamar, there are a few things on that list I try to do, and many others I can work on. I don't imagine that any of us can follow them all, but it's nice to have this reminder. Thanks so much.

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