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February 18, 2007



Hi Fran,
Thanks for the link. It is, indeed, an interesting discussion over at Kristin Noelle. I love the way she talks about shame and guilt as blocking abandonment. I also find the post about Kuan Yin:
over at your site very beautiful and interesting. I carry a miniature statue of her around in my purse. Am always after "compassion" in whatever form it takes!

Fran aka Redondowriter

I just read Kristin Noelle's post today and it seems so relevant to what you write.

I sent your blog link to her as well.


Tamar, yes I do admire people with self-discipline. However, I wonder about balancing it. Because I would get into such regimes and then give them all up in exhaustion. I yearn to find a balance so that I don't have to feel guilty when I do "fall down."

And, indeed, I wonder if it is such a virtue. After all, what about desire and pleasure. Isn't that all good too?


I resonate with your words — "I have always admired people with the ability to correct or regulate (especially regulate) themselves for the sake of improvement." It was my admiration for precisely this “self-regulation” (and other factors) that impelled me to begin designing my Third act. Now, “Third act,” the partial title and subject of my blog’s current post, is a phrase I am coming to learn, is not yet known to many people. How do YOU describe where you are along the continuum of a life? Third act (replace w your preferred term here), would be my guess. In my Third act, I am reviewing my past processes and updating, correcting, or regulating the current versions. And I do this, as you describe in your lovely post, by inviting, noticing, even welcoming others’ perspectives and habits of being.

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