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February 11, 2007



I find that I feel a tremendous sense of achievment when I master a techie thingie! Recently I learned to embed a Youtube video clip on my blog and I was ecstatic for hours!

joared, this is exciting news! I will stroll over and see how it's going for you. Yes, Listics is a must - always! But then I am a HUGE fan of Frank ... would term myself a proverbial "groupie!" Yes indeed!


Site Meter Up Date -- I did it! I added one to my blog, with help from my techie fairy-godmother. Anyone that knows more about computers than I do, which is just about everybody, is a techie in my book.

I swear I will not buy into the numbers game. I am curious about those who find my blog of interest. I like the idea that Frank describes and want to know more. Haven't visited "Listics" for a while and must get back over there. Maybe he'll tell us there.


The sitemeter thing I've seen and decided not to because that involves doing techie stuff to get it on my blog, and techie stuff will surely end in my spending hours trying to figure it out and then I'll never bother with it again.

Thanks T for the link to Richard's return, that's wonderful


Gee, Frank, I don't know how to do that and it sounds like fun, or at least, a good use for the counter. I always learn stuff from you - ALWAYS!! So, how do I go about that?


I use my stat counter to follow the conversation. When people come to me from this post, then I click back to this post to see what it's about. It's a lot more dynamic and fun than an XML Syndication Service (what silly Dave Winer marketed as RSS).

I mean, I'm usually much more proactive than that, visiting friends and favorites without a referral log link, but I look at my referral logs often and follow the links back if the traffic was from another blog.

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