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« "I've got a SCATHINGLY BRILLIANT idea" ... | Main | Number 19, Number 19, Number 19 ... »

February 04, 2007



Wasn't that amazing? I read it out to Tom and we laughed and laughed. That must have taken a bit of research on your part, no? I appreciated that - that's why I made you my Quote of the Day!
Thanks so much!


Fascinating that an atheist would have such a strong connection to the number 19:

--19 is the number of years in each cycle of the Hebrew calendar.

--19 is the number of angels guarding Hell.

--The Bahá'í calendar is structured so that a year contains 19 months of 19 days each, as well as a 19-year cycle and a 361-year (19x19) supercycle.

--19 is considered significant in astrology because it is the sum of the number of the constellations of the zodiac (12) and the number of the classically-known "planets" (7, including the sun and moon).

--The first verse in the Quran, `In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful' consists of 19 letters and every word of this verse is repeated as a multiple of nineteen. The Quran consist of 114 chapter's (19x6). The first chapter revealed, sura 96 consists of 19 verses. The last Quranic revelation, sura 110 consists of exactly 19 words.


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