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« Writer's block | Main | Lighten up »

February 24, 2007



It is confusing for all of us to see "Tamar" and to realize it is not me but "Tamar" from "Only Connect!"

So I will have to give Tamar the credit for saying we give children what we never got. And, yes, I agree with you ... it is always helpful to have an idea about what it must feel like. The danger with that, though, is that sometimes I am over sensitive or try to over compensate because I think I "know how it feels," and I really don't. Because, ultimately, each person's life experience is totally and completely unique and we can never *really* know what it feels like to be them!


I couldn't agree more with Danny,
"You are giving these young children exactly what you never got..." I strongly believe the success of many types of therapeutic interventions with all age groups, including the elderly, are successful when individuals are able to give others "what they never got." The recognition is there immediately with instinctive knowledge of the need.


Hi Winston, my old "twitter" buddy! Thanks for the words of support and encouragement.

I appreciate you sharing your story right here at this post. "Giving children what you never got," are words that resonate with me. And now I work with teachers helping them do the same. And, gee, I love how you say, "We are only as sick as our secrets!"

Of course you will read it first! I will send it to you first! Oy! But I have to write it first!


Your recent posts on shame, writer's block, and some causes/responses touched me deeply. Your courage to face the demons and to blog about them boggles my mind. Kol hakavod. We are often only as sick as our secrets!

When I was a new Head Start teacher during the mid-sixties, in Cambridge, MA, I was enormously successful in touching my young students in ways that helped them to explore their worlds, to embrace their feelings, to honor their thoughts and creations, and to heal from their hurts, many utterly cruel. I soon became a resource teacher and training counselor for Peace Corps volunteers preparing to work in preschools in developing African countries. These volunteers, my own preschool students and their families, and the words of a wise child psychiatrist now come back to me. "Why am I so successful?" I challenged him. "I don't think I am doing anything special." "You are giving these young children exactly what you never got, and because the content and the giving are so natural, so authentic, and so healing for you, it all works," his reply.

Often, I wish I had stayed in the field. Perhaps I would have gone farther in helping my students and others. And, I might have brought myself farther ahead in the healing.

Thanks for focusing me on my own stuff and remembering its origins and ways of working through it even as it collides with life today.


I'm just sad I won't be able to work with you on this one. But I'll be first in line to read it. Definitely sounds like another "ground breaker" and "shame breaker!"

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