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« Self emancipation | Main | Crashing to an authentic self »

March 28, 2007



Are you kidding? I am so in awe of your achievements, work, choices, decisions! Talk about "a new chapter begining!" I almost think that feeling out of place enables us to look in from the outside, which helps to have a different perspective, keeps us thinking independently of others. This has been so important for me as I find my way through a family system with extremely rigid and dominant views: "it's my way or the highway!" It has been, in fact, my survival!
Who am I to say? But I think you are doing it right on!


Well, I almost always feel out of place, so I must be doing something right, eh? Your post has waked up my brain this morning!


Heidi, You are still there! Hurrah! How lovely to hear from you again! Yes, I think that student's comment is fantastic. And yes, the new shift *is* exciting - a bit shaky because it is so new - but exciting.

Richard, wise words. Although, gee, I don't see that much compassion out there. Sometimes it amazes me how we have survived this long! I guess, humankind is tremendously resilient.


Tamar, I think the comment from your student is exciting. Some people live their whole lives without comprehending that concept, and it's wonderful that this person already understands it! Every person is built differently; for some, new chapters are scary, whereas as for others they are exciting. Regardless, new chapters are all a part of the human experience. You sound excited about this shift you are feeling, and I'm happy for you.

Richard Lawrence Cohen

The Dalai Lama's statement is literally true from the evolutionary standpoint. Human intelligence evolved in the context of social cooperation in hunting and childrearing. Compassion, found only in animals of high intelligence such as primates and elephants, makes the longterm nurturing of the child possible, and thus makes our species viable.

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