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March 10, 2007



And a step forward for me too. Thank you for being *out there* still after all these years. {{{}}}

Richard Lawrence Cohen

I too got a lot from Winston's words and Ilene's, as well as yours, Tamarika. And yes, it's easier to say these th ings than to live them -- I just said something easier to say than live in a comment on another post of yours. We have only two options in view of that: either to stop saying them, or to keep saying them and hope that the act of doing so will somehow help us live them. Just choosing the latter is a step forward for me.


Keep on keeping on, Winston, keep on keeping on!


So glad I said a few words that had some meaning for you. You sound as if you have the best grip on "you" that you have had since I have been reading you, which is almost 2 years.

It is easy for me to say "No worries. No guilt. No regrets." Really living that is very difficult in today's world of constant distraction. But try we must...

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