The weather is good. Warm and sunny. Birds are everywhere sharing the glee with me, not even waiting for me to complete pouring their food into the feeder, calling to one another all around the tree tops as I walk away with the seed bucket, and swooping down almost, just almost on top of me.
Spring break and lots to do. Coming and going. Yesterday I had lunch with a friend and she urged me to play this week. I wonder what I will do? Walk by the Wissahickon perhaps? Read something not related to work? Free, fun time. She said, "You deserve it!" What a friend, eh? I can take extra time with my yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Yum. I love that. Ada can sit for a long while on my lap while I stroke her and stare out at the woods in silence. I love that too. Her little body warming my legs, purring finding its rhythm into my heart, steadying its pace and bringing peace into my chest and lungs.
Beautiful day in every way. I allow it to define my mood, mold my inner turmoils and soothe the stormy thoughts that otherwise take over the brain with tension and anxiety. Blow it all away. Listen to the chaos, fear, violence, garbage out there in the world, close to home and think of the mess, the almighty mess, greedy dominant men in government have made to feed our minds and souls.
Breathe in the beautiful day and blow it all away.
Yes, Jean, I know ... limits are *so* important ... but tasty fishy food?
Big smiles now... and a hug for putting up with those 4:00 in the morning fun and games ...
Posted by: tamarika | March 14, 2007 at 04:55 PM
Well, I won't of course! But, you know, really, being poked in the stomach and whined at (not to mention fishy breath on my face) when she wakes at 4 in the morning?... I'm a pretty indulgent cat-parent, but there are limits...
Posted by: Jean | March 14, 2007 at 02:46 PM
Ah Jean, dear sweet Emma. Please, please don't throw out what's left. Smiles.
Posted by: tamarika | March 14, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Yup. Wonderfully put. Keep breathing, and playing. Cats have it right.
(Well mostly. I got Emma some new fishy food and she likes it so much she cries for more every time I pass through her line of vision. Never again. I almost feel like throwing out what's left!)
Posted by: Jean | March 14, 2007 at 09:53 AM