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« Adventures of Priscilla | Main | Blogging on my mind (Update) »

March 13, 2007



Yes, Jean, I know ... limits are *so* important ... but tasty fishy food?
Big smiles now... and a hug for putting up with those 4:00 in the morning fun and games ...


Well, I won't of course! But, you know, really, being poked in the stomach and whined at (not to mention fishy breath on my face) when she wakes at 4 in the morning?... I'm a pretty indulgent cat-parent, but there are limits...


Ah Jean, dear sweet Emma. Please, please don't throw out what's left. Smiles.


Yup. Wonderfully put. Keep breathing, and playing. Cats have it right.

(Well mostly. I got Emma some new fishy food and she likes it so much she cries for more every time I pass through her line of vision. Never again. I almost feel like throwing out what's left!)

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