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« Crashing to an authentic self | Main | April One »

March 30, 2007



Thank you, Heidi.


Tamar, this post was beautifully written.


Dear Tamar,
Thank you for hearing me. There you are: understanding. I appreciate that a great deal. It has given me food for thought - for the next post, which I will dedicate to you for noticing! A bientot, person of my same name!


I'd love to know more about your Passover now past, and how it was blown away — how it disappeared, and why are you allowing it to fade away. While I sorely miss the passing of my childhood Passovers and of my father and grandparents, co-celebrants, I attempt each year to capture the ancient story, telling and retelling it even as the narrations are nuanced by changes in and around me.

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