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March 13, 2007



Yes indeed. Beware of all of us who say, "Oh, I know what you're thinking ..."


The comment about assumptions is a gross understatement. Reminded me that assumptions are often accompanied by mindreading in relationships -- look out, here comes trouble! ;-)


Yes, I agree, Danny. Fabulous actor. I loved the movie too. Took Tom to it on our first date to *test* him out! I had already seen it but wanted to see his reaction. It worked! Now - thirteen years later - here we are.


What astounds me about this clip (loved the movie!) is how different Guy Pearce was in every movie he made since this one--not a trace of flamboyancy and yet he seemed so natural here. Now THAT'S a good actor and one who is comfortable enough with his sexuality to play gay with a capital G.

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