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March 29, 2007



I think it is a Klimt. I scanned it from a postcard I found advertising a workshop on "Motherhood" and "Individuation." It surely looks like a Klimt!

I love this book by Natalie Goldberg. It could not have been easy for her to write. It is a great reminder that all our heroes are human beings with many shadows. Thank you for your support of my writing. I appreciate it very much.


... and so excruciatingly poignant in the context of what you've written about here.


Oh! Is that painting a Klimt? I had never seen it, it's gorgeous!


This is the only one of Natalie Goldberg's books I haven't read (maybe I was afraid it would fatally nourish the small-but-always-there underlying mistrust I feel towards my own buddhist teachers, which is not just healthy scepticism, but also the deep despair of my childhood). I think I'd better.

Bless your truthtelling, Tamar. Like Natalie's, it makes it easier for the rest of us to try and tell the truth we need to tell.

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