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« Talking about narcissism | Main | Far out! »

March 24, 2007



Andy, thanks so much for this link. I will surely look into it too as it can be helpful to the work I am doing right now. What fun to have you right there - directly across from view in cyberland! What a comfort!


Duh! Wordpress doesn't like embedded tags....

Here are the links:


I happened on a reference to A General Theory of Love from Dave Snowden today. It looks relevant to this issue. Maybe I'll have time to think about it a bit further, but for now I just wanted to drop the link in to make the connection...


Am so glad this post resonated with you!

I agree with you so much about the education system, problem solving, and the way we are taught to prize rationality and logic above all else. It goes along with the work I am doing right now about how teachers' emotions affect their responses to children's behaviors they find challenging. They want to be rational even as their emotions are boiling up inside. They have nowhere to go with it because if they dare explore this side of themselves with mentors or supervisors, inevitably they are faced with even more logic and rational thinking, as a way to solve these problems. And selling my research and writing on this topic to the educational community is even more difficult! I should probably just pack it all in and become a therapist ... finally!


This was a terrific post Tamar...I so totally agree with you. Noone can feel another's pain or despair; but they certainly can help alleviate it by being there for them....without judgment. A friend who is a good listener and an objective voice is worth their weight in gold and is all anyone really needs. Thanks Tamar...

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