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April 29, 2007



Ainelivia, I acquire all that fun stuff from the Syracuse Cultural Workers:



Oh that's wonderful Tamar. Oh yes, I like that. Now to find the T-shirt printing shop. Big smiles here too.


What you write in your comment here reminds me of a saying I have on a T-shirt that I wear. I saw it also on a button that I gave to a friend recently:
"Well behaved women seldom make history."



Oh yes, I remember it well, discovering feminism. It was the discovery of a power that I didn't know women had until then. Of course the next question is, what do I do with it and how do I use it.

I suppose it was the language of the time. And I'm just thinking that therapy was a greater awakening for me than feminism. Discovering the language of emotions, and thus, myself.

I was raised with two conflicting views, one that it was unwise to reveal too much of myself because that created a vulnerability. Though that way also lessens the possibility of communication and connection. The other was that it was ok to express feelings and emotions, but I and my Father were in a minority in our family.

Oh yes, I recall being very strident in my feminist views -I am recalling this with some embarrassment now. I suppose that those that recoiled from my views, were dismayed at the radicalisation and politisisation of a once quiet woman.

What you say in the last two paras, that's important. Societal structures are like patterns of behaviour, the ones we are comfortable with, and are not quite sure how to step beyond. That's the scary part of change.

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