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« Knowing you, knowing me | Main | Keep on keeping on »

April 05, 2007



Matt! Welcome back! How exciting to hear from you again. And, as usual, with words of wisdom that have relevance for me.
You have truly brightened my day!


An earlier commenter mentioned the Tao To Ching. I was reminded of it by your post, too. I believe there's a line in there somewhere that, in reminding us to stay centered in what we are, says something like, "whether you're going up the ladder or down the ladder, your position is shaky." (The translation is more poetic than that, but you get the idea.) I always liked that line.

Thank you for this post!


Good words: "The people that really matter will love you regardless." Thanks!

Good to hear from you. Am glad this post resonated with you too. {{}}


Hallo Tamar, That's another one I'll write out and pin over my desk.

You post has made me think about how the "being the best, perfectionist" situation was set up in my childhood, education and family, and until I began to learn that, that it was a pattern, and a behaviour I don't need anymore, life seemed such a struggle. I heard a smiliar one recently, "Mediocrity, still gets the job done".

Wonderful, I smile with loads of recognition,


Resonates with me too, being a perfectionist all my life, in all things. But when you get as old as I am, you will finally realize that in so many ways, on so many levels, it just does not matter. The masses are so busy being concerned about their own acceptance that they don't notice you or anyone else. The people that really matter will love you regardless. To hell with the rest of them...

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