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« The middle or both ends | Main | Spring has sprung »

April 30, 2007



Thanks for stopping by.

Kay Dennison

Sometimes I get an inkling that my life might be changing in situations such as those you described but mostly I identify with Sally's quote. Life is unpredictable at best and sometimes I'm glad of it; sometimes I'm not. Sigh.


I suppose it could/might have the opposite effect, Neil. When you're in it you don't know it. So just be in it and don't worry. Unless worrying is something you're good at. Then be in that ... the worry, the indecisiveness ... that's being in it too!

Hello there, Sally. Thanks for the quote!


I'm already indecisive. I'm not sure knowing this is good for me. I would never take any step!


This quote seems particularly appropriate to what you are saying:

You make what seems a simple choice: choose a man or a job or a neighborhood -- and what you have chosen is not a man or a job or a neighborhood, but a life. -Jessamyn West

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