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May 06, 2007



Yes, Joared, I agree. Health would definitely influence my perspective about dying. Although, I am like you. I just do not want to *miss* anything!


I found myself in the Realtively High Wisdom category also. All I can think of is there are so many different kinds of wisdom.

I think of many aging related issues, my experiences, but specifically for me, my primary thought is what all I will miss when I die. You see, I don't want to miss anything, but know I must.

I think my thoughts and attitudes toward dying might be viewed from a different perspective were health problems to develop. I just hope I could sustain a positive and optimistic outlook within my limitations.


3.8 is fine, AlwaysQuestion. Just fine! Wisdom is all relative anyway.


3.8... room for improvement.


Hello there Mark!
But then, I always knew you were wise.

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