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May 18, 2007



I am exhausted just reading of your upcoming escapades. And envious. Enjoy every step of the trek. We anticipate your safe return and report, maybe even an occasional pop-in to give us an interim status.


Good luck with all your plans Tamar and enjoy them too. It all sounds fab. I'm sure I'll hear about the hiking part, at least, when I meet up with Elise in Israel in July. Take care.


Enjoy, Tamar! Your plans sound wonderful and restorative. We'll still be here!


It'd be lovely to meet you, Tamarika. Do let me know when you're going to be passing by London. I hope you're Hadrian's wall weather is better than it was the last time I was up that way!


I'm still reading along, I've just been quiet lately...

And I'll stick with you through the sporadic posting, of course!

I'm on blogging hiatus right now too, but more as a self-imposed limitation than a required one. I'm finding it hard to stay away : ).

All the best on the chapter writing, travels, and birthday celebrations.

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