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May 20, 2007



Well, this is great!


Thanks for the birthday greetings, Heidi and Winston! I wonder what was happening to the comments on TypePad. But anyway, here you both are and I am delighted and grateful.

I am very moved by your comment. And I will definitely have more time this weekend to read and appreciate your post. Shavuot has always been one of my favorite holidays - not only because it often falls on or near my birthday - but because (back when I was a ganenet in Israel) of the children in white clothes, flowers in their hair and baskets of fruit and flowers everywhere!


I think the comment box ate my words. Better than when I have to eat them...

Anyway, I was just saying that it is a wonderful addiction to have. I feel as comfortable, sometimes more so, with my friends here as with the flesh and blood types I bump into daily.

Happy soon-to-be birthday!

Now let's see if this one gets lost too...



(Apologies if this shows up a second time--the site was grumpy earlier)


Dear namesake! While you were out... I pushed the Send button on my keyboard to publish a blog post (seemingly forever in gestation). A post that I partly dedicate to you for the courage you gave me to speak deeply personal truths in the blogosphere (as to myself). Since I stumbled on your blog about six months ago, I witnessed your guts to do this hard work here. I love your process and openness and the curious similarities in our names, careers, and paths. So, while you might not blog any days, I (perhaps others) do blog a bit in your name or spirit. Toda raba raba. And chag sameach on this wonderful celebration of the giving.. or getting... or both... of the Torah!

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