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May 08, 2007



Hello there mm. Yeah - I am looking forward to the walk. And will most likely blog about it after the fact. It will be strange not having Internet access for so many days. But I am sure it will be a good and welcome break too. So good to have you in the blogosphere again!


Oh Tamar, I am so pleased for you, both the walking you are doing now and the impending stroll along Hadrian's Wall. Do you know, I've never seen it. I've crossed the border to Scotland many times but have never stopped en route.

I know you will have a wonderful time and I'll be very keen to read your report of the holiday when you return.


Hello there Michael. Thanks for that tip. I actually know which trail you mean. Terrific. I just might try it out in fact.


Another really great walking trail is the Philadelphia-Valley Forge bicycle path that begins behind the Art Museum. If I recall (it has been more than 12 years now), the stretch through Manayunk is especially beautiful.

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