Quote of the day:
How many Mother's Day cards were given in the United States in 2005? 152 Million Mother's Day cards were given in 2005, making Mother's Day the third-largest card-sending occasion, behind Christmas and Valentine's Day. Americangreetings.com
Mother's Day is coming up. I have such mixed emotions about it. A twinge of anxiety that my son will forget it. Longing for my own mother who is physically far away, and whose love of me has always felt unattainable. A wistful and lonely day. On the other hand, it falls at the end of the semester, when I have the whole summer ahead of me, weather is fine, and it is only a couple of weeks away from my birthday - making it an exciting time as well.
Usually at the end of the spring semester, graduation always seems to fall either on Mother's Day or very close to it. I am always reminded of my own graduation when Mother's Day rolls around. At yesterday's commencement celebrations I watched the happy, proud and excited faces of families and students. I adore the commencement ritual and am both amused and awed by how all us professors toddle around like medieval monks in our colorful robes. I remember feeling such pride and love for my son at both his graduations. They were glorious days. My own doctoral graduation was one of those special days of my life. There are a few of those types of days. Ones that I remember forever as the most poignant and meaningful, difficult to describe. My son's birth counts as one of those.
I graduated when I was 49, so I did not have my family cheering me on with balloons and flowers. However, a couple of my closest friends together with my Jacobson family, Tom, Dick and Nelle, accompanied me through the pride and excitement of that day. It was a hard-earned day. I had been through so much to arrive at that moment and it felt like I had reached the peak of a very steep mountain. I remember looking out at the audience as I walked up on the stage to receive my doctoral hood from one of my most supportive advisors, Steve Brown. There in the distance my little group of supporters were cheering and waving, and my heart was filled to bursting with joy and love.
This time of year, when flowers are blooming, sun is shining and summer is on its way, is always exhilarating for me. My senses are keenly attuned to all the perfumes, different bird songs and warm breezes. It becomes an extremely sensual time of the year. How fitting! For among all the other feelings of love, duty, commitment and spirituality, sensuality is such an intrinsic part of motherhood: love making, conceiving, carrying the baby within the womb, giving birth, breast feeding, caressing, suckling ... sensing, sensing, sensing ...
For me the celebrations have already begun. Recently, I received a card from my friend that touched me deeply, bringing tears of gratitude to my eyes. It reads:
You're a beautiful example of love and understanding ... and not just to those who call you mom ...
... and then she wrote:
Because you have helped me think and talk about being a mom, and because you have helped mother my daughter, and because you are a wonderful mom to your son - happy Mother's Day!
And yesterday, JJ, my mother-in-law, sent Milja and me this beautiful power point presentation: Download mothersinallcolours1.pps
As one of my friends said to me recently, when we made plans to go out for dinner: "I think it is most appropriate that we go out and celebrate our motherhood together. That actually is cause for celebration since it is a life altering event."
Motherhood is indeed a life altering event worthy of celebration. Giving birth to my son was the greatest day of my life. Wondrous and miraculous. What an achievement! I will never forget the look in his eyes as he reached for his first sip of mother's milk from my breast, or how I felt as he nuzzled and suckled, love growing between us moment by moment.
As I wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day, I am aware that it might also be a bittersweet time for many, just as it is for me, mixing up my feelings of love that last forever with those that seem unattainable, or memories that are wistful, lonely and anxious with joy, pride and excitement. Graduation, commencement of summer, and birth days - mine and my son's - accompany me at this time of year.
And as I relish those complex moments of life full of memory and meaning, I wish us all, at least in the U.S., a very ...
... Happy Mother's Day!
A year ago at Tamarika: Good luck Dr. J. (Update)
Happy Mother's Day, Tamar! May your day and your year be filled with warmth and peace and joy and love...
Posted by: Winston | May 13, 2007 at 09:09 AM
And a happy and beautiful Mother's Day to you Tamarika. This was a wonderful post...you have a lot to look forward to.
Posted by: Joy | May 12, 2007 at 11:49 PM
As I began to write this in the little comments box I saw (and clicked on) your Family picture link. The one titled 'Gilad and Me' is priceless, ageless, and perfect for any Mother's Day.
I believe it is enough that _you_ know what love you put into your time as a mother. That is what is real and true. The acknowledgment from others, if it is honest, is just a bonus.
Happy Birthday/Mother's Day/Graduation Anniversary and oh boy here comes summer!
Posted by: John | May 12, 2007 at 10:12 PM