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June 18, 2007



Hope you get it today. This whole thing sounds like Kafka story.


Wow! Mark. That means yours has already shipped! How wonderful for you. How did you manage that????


Hi - I mean a shipping tracking number (USPS), not a passport tracking number.

Glad you are going there tomorrow. Good Luck.


Hi Mark! In fact I do have a locator and tracking number but it doesn't seem to help.

In answer to Jean and Danny:

These telephone promises mean nothing apparently
: (

But I am going downtown Philadelphia tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. with another person who is in the same position. Apparently, if we get in etc. we could have a passport within the day. So a bit more thumb holding and supporting thoughts ... let's not give up yet!

Right down to the wire now ...


Get your local senators office and congressmans office involved. They have a direct line and can help ensure it gets moved to the head of the line. The Senators office just called and gave us a tracking number for ours today (started processing it March 1) for travel next week.

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