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« You can't come back in! | Main | Father's Day reflections »

June 16, 2007



The saga continues. I had a long chat at the number "they" suggest to call when time is running out(for the many numbereth time!) and a calm, neutral and extremely rational fellow said that if I don't receive my passport by the 19th I can call again and they might be able to overnight it to me ...

So let's hold fingers and thumbs and hope for the best. He told me there's no more point phoning but 48 hours before flight they can overnight it! (four months later down to the real wire)

As they (who?)say: "Keep the faith!"

Natalie, of course I will see you when you come to the States.

Danny, I appreciate your rage - actually, yesterday for the first time I actually cried with rage with the fellow on the phone!

Dear Jean ... will keep you posted, believe me!

MM ... thanks for your good wishes and encouragement!


I too admire your spirit here, Tamar. Wishing for the very best outcome.


I too admire your taking this so philosophically, Tamar. In your shoes, I'd have been writing off incendiary letters demanding that They reimburse me for my cancelled travel costs. Ironically, your experience prompted me to dig out my US passport (I have dual UK/US citizenship) to check the expiry date and.....guess what? expires in two days!! Since I'm taking a trip to USA in Sept (yes! Can we meet then if you're not coming here?) I'm now all keyed up to start the renewal process immediately. Thanks for the roundabout reminder. Anyway, mayvbe you'll still make it here next week??


I admire your ability to put this all in perspective but I'm still outraged. There's no REASON you shouldn't be able to get a simple passport renewal within a four-month period except for an obvious shortage of manpower in the government offices that process such applications probably because of some misguided budget measures. What would it take to process your application--10 minutes at the most? I finally read up on the reason for the backlog which is the new law, as of last January, that you need a passport to enter Mexico and Canada. The irony is they've suspended that until the passport crisis is resolved and yet you're still stuck having to cancel a trip to Europe. Stupid, stupid bureaucracy.


Oh Tamar. I am still hoping, hoping that you will be able to come. As you say, this kind of thing is not a tragedy, but, in a life full of hard work and tight schedules, holidays, a change of place and air and meeting up with friends old and new are very precious.

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