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June 19, 2007



savtadotty - hello there! In fact, on Tuesday, I mailed both the passports in as I was instructed to do. So, at present, I am without passport again! I am curious to see how long it will take for them to return me my passport and which one they choose to send. Since I am not traveling out the country anytime soon, I am now having fun with experimenting with it! The never ending saga ...


Having learned Israeli ways, I would
do nothing for a long time, and then somehow either "lose" one of the passports or mail just one in with a creative explanatory letter rather than schelp into a passport office again. But if it were Israel and I did what you would propose to do, the clerk would greet me with, "Haven't you got anything better to do with your time?" Big cultural difference, no?


Dear friends: Winston, Brenda, Danny!
Your comments bring tears of joy to my eyes. You are all so kind and supportive. Am as grateful as can be that you are out there cheering me on.

Natalie, wink, wink, smiles, smiles!

The saga continues ...

Check out the update!



Surely, Tamar, the beginning of your journey, and it looks to be quite incredible already...

Bon Voyage! Enjoy!


Wow! So glad I'll be seeing you on Saturday after all, Tamar. But what you had to go through for that passport I wouldn't call easy. More like torture, were it not for Joe. Thank goodness for Joe. Am putting my passport renewal application in the post next week.

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