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July 10, 2007




I appreciate your acknowledging and remembering my "darker" days. Thank you for that. In fact, this post was great because after I described the feelings attached to my writer's block, I released a lot of energy and became quite productive for the rest of the day! Sometimes it is so good to face down my demons! Get to know, or make peace, with my shadow or "darker side."


Interesting, Tamar. As I was reading this, I began to have a deja vu moment. I even started thinking, "I hope Tamar is OK. I hope she has not fallen back into that dark pit she visited a year or so ago when she struggled so with self-image, blogging, life in general..." Then I found your closing sentence...

For a long time now you have been so alive and vibrant and prolific, that I really had forgotten your grayer days, going back to your old blog title, etc...


Sometimes we trip over success and don't even notice it.

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