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July 08, 2007



Thanks, Natalie. Yes. It was a bit sad for me about the necklace. But it was timely for me to lose it too - it helped me close another chapter in my sentimental life!


Wonderful post and photo, tamar. You and your sister are both blessed with such fantastic hair, for one thing, and those smiles too. The way you describe your walk and its meaning for you is inspirational. Sorry you lost the necklace but I'm sure the ground where it now lies appreciates your gift. The beautiful lightness of being free.


I love the way you mention the "mud" in relation to learning about life. It is a wonderful metaphor for life, isn't it? Messy and exhausting. I appreciate so much your joy for me. Indeed, I am feeling much lighter - not euphoric - just lighter. Am not used to this feeling at all. Am trying to hold still and get to know it ...

I wonder what you mean by similar ... the walk? or self reflection/self alteration?

Kay Dennison

I really admire what you're doing, Tamar! You're inspiring me to try to find a way to do something similar. I'll be watching for the next installment.


I was so moved by this, Tamar, and so happy for you.

Indeed, I think completing a physical challenge like a long-distance walk can serve the purpose you describe. Certainly I count my long walk half-way across Spain several years ago as one of my major life experiences, from which I came back altered in many ways - alterations that continue to have repercussions. Just walking, being so utterly with my body, I think I touched many places in myself that I was not normally aware of. It sounds as though this was the same for you.

I really must write about this, keep meaning to...

So happy, happy to read this... all that mud and exhaustion so very, wonderfully worthwhile. Not enough mud and physical exhaustion in our western urban lives, I think, so sometimes it's important to go and seek it out. I'm full of admiration.

Loving the photos too - I don't know this part of the country at all.

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