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July 05, 2007



I know what you mean. I didn't know what I was getting into when I started blogging two and a half years ago. Next week I will be meeting yet another blogger when I visit LA for a day! Your time will come, I'm sure!


I find what you've written about the development of blogging relationships very descriptive of what I've experienced to date, though I've not met any other bloggers in person. When I entered this blog world not so long ago, I could never have imagined, not did I expect, that such could happen, much less that I would ever even consider meeting in person another blogger.


You do know us, Winston! We have been blogging together for years! : )

You don't see Natalie because she requested not to post pictures of herself. However, she did give me permission to upload one of her with Andy and Jean in the "My Friends" album ... you can check it out there.

Dear Natalie,
Don't feel bad about not blogging about our meeting. No need. You were such a warm and open - a gracious host and you are right here in this post - all the way through.

Jean and Andy,
Yes! I, too, am so happy we all had the opportunity to meet. My blogging and friendship life has been enriched and enhanced considerably.


After reading all of your reactions and comments, and now seeing your photos, I feel as if I know all of you better. Almost as if I had been there... Strange...

I have not seen Natalie, but she has a nice entryway and door...


What Jean AND Natalie said ;-)

So much still keeps going through my mind as a result of our meeting, it was a time of richness; I hope I'll be able to express some more of it soon. For now though, some of those cyber-hugs to {{{all of you}}}!

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