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July 24, 2007



Cape May is the oldest resort in America and I love it.

Richard Lawrence Cohen

South Jersey used to have the best corn and tomatoes -- I hope they still do. White corn was a specialty. The nickname "the Garden State" was entirely accurate once upon a time. Have a wonderful trip!


I love the Jersey Shore, particularly the Cape May area with all the neat B&Bs, good seafood restaurants, and nice(most of the time) beaches. When I lived in Pittsburgh, we would go there most every year. Enjoy the R&R!


Hi Rhea!
And a great State it is! Remember, I work there - at Rider U. Yes, my son was featured in the Brookline Tab! I was so proud. Still am:

Thanks for reading it!


That's my home state! By the way, was your son featured in the Brookline Tab? If so, I read the story.

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