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July 17, 2007



Hi Ellen!
It was wonderful to meet you. Thank you for your kind comments.

Wow, Danny and Neil - your compliments are going straight to my head!


It was an insanely fun evening and one I hope we can repeat soon. (Next time Sophia and I will give you and Neil some alone time.) I agree with Neil that you are fantastic with our without make-up but it was great fun watching my daughter give you a makeover. It's still amazing to me that this was the VERY FIRST time you ever wore lipstick, nail polish, etc. Wow!

P.S. to Ellen Bloom: Fabulous artwork, and you didn't steer us wrong with that other gallery either.

Ellen Bloom

So lovely meeting you on Saturday night. Thanks for coming to my art opening. You were glowing and smiling!


Next time, we need to have a REAL DATE. I'm sure you noticed that I didn't mention on my blog that YOU picked up the bill and that YOU brought ME flowers for the patio!

It was great meeting you! You're gorgeous with or without make-up.

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