While I was walking home down the hill today I noticed that there was a smile on my face. Not a great big one. Just a small, bemused kind of grin. The day was humid and cloudy interspersed with pelting rain showers. It felt as if I have been raging, hurting and running for years. I wondered what it has all been about. It seems like it was a dream, far away, in some distant past, happening to someone other than me.
All that conditioning to feel undeserving, guilty and heavy with shame seems to have dissipated into the air, scattered to the winds - leaving in its wake, lightness, exhilaration, peace.
And a very clear, deep sense that what will be ... will be.
Sounds like heaven to me, Tamar! Enjoy!
Posted by: Kay Dennison | July 20, 2007 at 07:30 PM
Thanks Jean. Well, it seems that he has decided not to return to Israel after all, so that is one challenge I won't have to face at this point. But my state of mind is very helpful for the book too - not urgent or pressure. Just ... as is ...
Posted by: tamarika | July 20, 2007 at 07:14 AM
I'm so glad for you! Especially as I'm sure Gilad's decision will challenge you in ways I can only - not being a mother - imagine. Sounds like not a bad frame of mind for getting down to the book either.
Posted by: Jean | July 19, 2007 at 06:57 AM