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« Blimey, what a week that was! | Main | Departing as friends »

July 04, 2007



Now don't you all look great! What a wonderful trip and an amazing journey...bad weather and all. Kudos to you Tamar.

mary godwin

OMGoodness... call me impressed and overwhelmed at the idea of 84 miles! I am inspired by your story to "pump up the volume" on one of my own. Thanks for keeping us a part of the journey. -mg


tamar, what a fantastic account of your experience. I can feel every ache and blister and cowpat and raindrop falling on my head. I'm in open-mouthed admiration and I'm sure that in your place I would have given up after only a couple of days (or maybe even hours) and caught the next train/bus/taxi home. But how marvellous to have done it! I wish I could have been able to welcome you back with a nice hot dinner and a bottle of champagne. Bravo.


Wonderful to share all this with you. What an achievement, especially in the rain and mud! Just thinking how far you must have walked each day - yikes! Could I do that? - not without a lot of training, I think. You must have such a sense of achievement. There is something really special about completing a linear long-distance walk. It's such a metaphor for our path through life - especially the plunging into deep mud :-) - and yet also it is satisfying precisely because, unlike in life, it is finite, and if you keep going you always arrive somewhere. To walk right across England: that is something I have never done, and would so love to.

Well done, all of you! I was really wondering, in all that rain last week, if you would make it.


Thank you for this wonderful story of your achievement! And yes, welcome home.

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