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August 26, 2007



Dear Judith,
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment, your wisdom: life as a web both sad and liberating. My sister Sue, who I put up in my "webcam" play yesterday will also be turning 70 this year. From where I sit at 58, 70 does not seem like an age of "leaving life." But I know that I cannot understand what it feels like to be 70, and I surely know that I often think about leaving life even in my 50's. So much to uncover as we age, isn't there?

Judith MS

This is the first time I have read your blog and I am very interested in the explorations of exclusion, outsider, alone, lonely, etc. So I will try to catch up by reading earlier writings. My experiene of aging (I am 70)is an insider/outsider dichotomy and an abiding sadness about leaving life. I think this is all a web, both sad and liberating.


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words. Much appreciated. Yes, I do think I am feeling growing independence and inner strength ... it's about time, eh?

Thanks for accompanying me on my ride!


The role of outsider looking in, the way you describe it, is very, very good. With one small exception that I will take. At the end of the second paragraph you mention "whether I am responsible for anyone or not." Except in cases of medical or physical caretaker, none of us is responsible for another adult.

Remember always that alone does not equate with lonely. Perhaps the increasing detachment you feel is growing independence and inner strength.

Along with many of your friends out here in the virtual world, I have watched and observed and smiled and cheered as you broke through the eggshell over the past couple of years. You project a very different, a far more confident person than you did back then. I like the person you have grown into right in front of our eyes.

Chin up. Be proud. Don't worry. Be happy!


Yes, savtadotty. It is within me.

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