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« Getting serious (Update) | Main | Lessons learned »

September 11, 2007



Oh I am sorry to hear you have not been well, but happy you're doing better.

I was very ill some years back, I had gone to Mexico, and I guess it is famous for triggering auto immune diseases, and it did. I had traveled there extensively before, but this time I became quite ill.

I suffered terribly, but always in any suffering I have learned someone will benefit from my experience oneday.

It happens, and I find I can be supportive of others in times of need as a result.

All of life is useful. I see it everyday.

You offer so much Tamarika anyway with your wonderful writing, sharing, and adventurous spirit.

Glad your well again, or getting there!

Get well soon!


Glad you're home for the holidays!

Tom Shugart

So sorry to learn about your unfortunate situation. I didn't hear about it until today, I'm afraid. I'm not keeping up much with the blogosphere these days. I'm flabbergasted that you can still turn out such good writing when you feel like crap. All it takes is a headache to crush my language abilities. Well, you have two things in abundance, that's for sure--talent and spirit. Be well!


Oy! Sorry to hear you were unwell. "Achlama mehira ve'shuv, shana tova u'metuka!"


I've come late to reading this because I've been head down at work and behind with my favourite blogs.

I too am sorry to hear what you've been going through and hope you continue to grow stronger quickly. Will be holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

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