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September 26, 2007



Hello Chancy,
How lovely to see you here again. Thanks for stopping by. Yeah - I was pretty stressed out all right. Only, I *thought* I had *it* all together - anxiety under control! Being brave is so tricky, isn't it?


"I found myself blurting out uncontrollably, "Please don't be alarmed by the condition of my toes. My feet were rather battered up this summer from a one hundred mile hike I completed in England." Needless to say, the doctor was not even entertaining the notion of examining my feet. He was an ob/gyn."

I know the feeling. Going to the doctor is always stressful for me. even going for something minor. I suppose it is because to me doctors are the ultimate authority figure. I often find myself saying something that just pops into my mind also. It is the stress.


Yes, Kay. I think I like the woman who has taken place of my "girl" so much more. I am happier with her too - simply enjoy being with her a whole lot more!

Kay Dennison

The girl I was is gone but I like the woman who has taken her place
. . . most of the time!


That oak of which you speak stands huge and tall right in front of my living room window. It seems to stabilize my inner core every time I stand still in front of it - just gazing. Thank you for your beautiful comment. My slip of a girl is slipping further and further away ...

Dear Winston and Tamar,
I was tickled by the idea that I had anything consciously to do with blurting out the comment about my toes. It came from nowhere! I was blind-sided by myself! Only afterwards did I laugh at myself thinking the fear peeked out through my toes!

Thanks for your comment! Welcome to my blog.

Indeed, I like my doctor even though he is relatively new and there might have been something in that too - trying to please him in some way ...

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