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October 29, 2007



Dear mariasimona,
Thank you so much for stopping by blog, and sharing a tip of your own story! Much appreciated.


Tamarika, I know exactly what you mean when you mention the lack of women heroes in your childhood, right now I´m looking for my own in adulthood (nuns? I don´t think so, but there is an option). I arrived to this blog looking for pictures of Vita Sackville-West and instead found a very nice quote


Yes .. "A Nun's Story" it was...
Yes - Audrey Hepburn had one gorgeous neck which is what made her totally gorgeous as a nun.
And, Dean, aren't you still more precocious than some might consider normal? Gee, I certainly hope you are!

Dean Landsman

Too much of The Nun's story (wasn't it A Nun's story?) suffered from Audrey Hepburn's very long neck being covered by the drab, black habit.

Even as a young lad, I thought to myself, "feh, what a waste!"

Well, little did I know. Either that or I was even more precocious than some might have thought normal.

I was, of course, too young to make the punny word play, "time to kick the habit." That came later.


I am certain that there is that aspect as well: "women trapped in a narrow life ruled by men (some mortal some not...)" - just as so many women are, who are not nuns (me included for a large part of my life).

My image is fantastical and romantic and more along the lines of: "There's something beautifully subversive and powerful about their lives." (so beautifully put - thank you)

And it is precisely that second notion that I hold onto as I try and find my own identity as a woman among women in general.

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