Just before things become out of control busy I wandered out to feed the birds. One little squirrel came up to greet me. Hopped casually as close to my feet as she could and munched on a couple of peanuts comfortably as I replenished the feeder and hooked in some suet for the woodpeckers that come to eat daily. Ada called out from the porch letting me know she could see and hear me as I spoke softly to the squirrel, "Hey little fellow. You're back again I see." I rummaged in the bin for a few more nuts and tossed them towards him. "Here you are," I said, "Are you an angel squirrel? eh? Are you?" She continued to munch, sitting on his haunches nibbling hastily before all the others would soon surely arrive. Ada called out again. "I'm coming, little friend, " I called back, "Hold on a moment. Just feeding the birds." I looked up around me wondering if the neighbors might be thinking, "There goes that crazy old woman talking to herself out there again." As I walked back into the apartment I heard the neighbor on the third floor singing scales, his voice rising and falling out the window and through the air, over and over again. Gray and cloudy this morning, a very tiny drizzle but temperatures warm nevertheless. The oak tree showering us all with huge leaves and as many acorns as to feed all the creatures of these woods surrounding us.
I sighed deeply. What a day!
And then wandered into the apartment to start sifting through the piles and piles of work awaiting me. For some reason I have been humming to myself all morning, "Human kindness is overflowing, and I think it's going to rain today."
A year ago at Mining Nuggets: Shedding
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