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November 29, 2007



You are always welcome to my party - even if you are late! I have always found your comments make me think, cry, or LOL. Never find them to contain even a smidge of "dumbness!"
The only thing I regret is that I can't seem to beat you at Scrabulous!


Consider this just a friendly poke...

I have a good many online friends whose blogs I only visit from time to time. This seems to shift from month to month. Sometimes I'll be a daily visitor and inspired to comment frequently, sometimes more of a lurker. I like it when a blogger returns my comments with a reflection of her/his own. But I've grown to expect that my comment will often be the last in a string. Sometimes I feel awkward about this, because it seems like nobody has anything to say after I've dumped some dumbness out there, but usually I get it that my belated comments are welcome but not too relevant since the conversation has moved on to whatever is next. Color me late to all yesterday's parties.


Well, Winston, Not only are you first to comment ... but you are the only one : )
So, thank you so much for your comment here! I, like you, hardly notice the stats any more - about who might be reading me or not. I do think seriously about turning off the comments completely and people could just e-mail me. But people do say things that are worthwhile reading all in a row that are connected to the post itself - just like your comment here.

Yes, I agree. Blogger friendships become quite real and if they would become fractured I can imagine that being painful.

I really appreciate what you say here. Thanks, again, for commenting, Winston.


I must admit it feels odd being the first to comment on this particular post. We can all relate, in some degree, to the 3 areas of thought about comments on your (or our) blog. I so wish I had the time to respond to each and every comment made on mine. It's not that there are so many, but that my time is so limited of late.

Some bloggers also enter into the dialog that develops in comments. That seems to be a valuable process at times. I have done it in the past, but lately, see time-bound excuse above.

Like you, I am most grateful for comments left in response to my drivel. Especially when made by one of the ones I consider old friends, like you or fp. Only occasionally do I look at site statistics. The number of hits and the level of traffic, while a measure of relative progress over time, is not nearly as meaningful as the number and quality of comments I get, and I do look at that daily.

Good friends and lasting relationships develop here. Sometimes one of those gets fractured and lost, just like in the real world. And it hurts just as much. Loss is loss...

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