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« Wish me luck as I wave you goodbye | Main | Taking hold of my brain »

December 18, 2007



I don't believe in angels either. Different entities I do though, like gods and demis. Are fairies the same, My favorite, by far is tink. Someone should discuss with me that angels are spirits not yet in a body and I'd believe.


Yes, Natalie, we can surely say flock! Why not!

Although I think it might actually be a host of angels ...

The mystery of why it is so difficult to start something we so deeply care about lies within our psyche, brains, minds ... don't you think?

And, for me, the fascination is in the finding out why. Indeed, for me, unraveling the psychological plot is the most intriguing part of life.


Tamar, what lovely serendipity, all the angels coming to you in a flock - can one say a flock of angels? A posse? A choir? Anyway, congratulations on The Finishing. It's such a wonderful feeling,finishing something one cares deeply about. It's a puzzle why we (I) procrastinate so much about starting! Looking forward to reading your book, soon?


Jean, as usual you read between all my lines and saw into the core - you were right in saying: "what a deep place inside you this book has come from."

therapydoc and Tamar: I love this information you share about Jewish angels as messengers with specific missions! Wonderful! I hadn't known this before. Thank you.


Maybe you know that there's a Jewish tradition that angels have specific missions.

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