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December 02, 2007



I used that word on purpose ... because I was (and am still to this day so many times) a lonely, aching child who missed her mother all her life ...

Thank you so much for noticing and commenting about it. That meant a lot to me.


This is all so interesting and moving. Even though we had very different childhoods, I always find much to relate to when you share your early experiences. Because I have spent so many years denying my own feelings in my need to "defend" my mother's choices, I find myself a little sensitive to some of your word choices. I would never presume to question any of your insights, but I kept pausing at the sentence "She remarried when I was four and most of her energy and attention had to go into her new marriage and youngest son at the time." HAD to? That's the word that stopped me because it sounds so much like my own denials. I'm sure you're right that your mother never meant to cause her little girl a moment's pain and that she was doing the best she knew how but for some reason that "HAD TO" made me ache for that little girl and worry that her four-year-old feelings were being denied a little bit in an effort to understand the mother's actions. No matter what the reason or emotional repertoire, it was still a choice. She could have just as easily chosen to focus on that little girl and not have given enough attention to the new baby. Then your brother might be writing in his blog "...most of her energy and attention had to go to her four-year-old daughter who needed her so badly at the time." I don't mean to condemn your mother in any way--I'm just fascinated by the language choices we use as adults and how our own "stuff" can still creep into them...

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