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January 08, 2008


mrs mogul

I am voting for Hillary. She's been there already and has the experience. I get an intuitive feeling Obama would screw up if elected. He's just not ready yet. GO HILLARY!!


What Sue says, Tamar. A difficult decision, though.


Oh, yes, Frank is very right, I think! I've just been having an uncomfortable discussion with a black male friend who took umbrage at Gloria Steinem's article (though I don't believe she would ever wish to set up that dichotomy). We mustn't let this happen!


Just dropped by again to ask if you had read Gloria Steinem's article, and I see you have! Absolutely spot on re the race and gender issues - I've never seen it better put, though I don't think if I was American I could possibly share her strong support for Hilary Clinton because of her line on the war, and more.


Beth emailed me that Gloria Steinem Op-Ed and said she agrees with it. I am not so sure. In her eagerness to promote feminist solidarity, Steinem refers to HRC's "progressive policies." I don't see them. If she's nominated, I'll vote for her, and I'll do everything I can to help assure that she has a Democratic Congress. But, I don't have a clear sense of whom to support right now for the nomination.

The Dems are blessed with three front runners who will make strong leaders, but we need to influence the party platform to give these leaders a framework to build on. I don't care if the nominee is black or white, woman or man, as long as s/he has a good story to tell about ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and about moving to a single payer health plan.

I'm inclined to support Hillary, but I want to see some evidence that she's supporting my needs too.

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